Sunday, June 18, 2006


This is our stroller (that's Henry inside, obviously). Buying a stroller was not as simple as we thought it would be - there are as many features, models, and price-points for strollers as there are for cars. We selected a Stroll-Air stroller - it came with all the accessories we could hope for: bassinet, seat, sun umbrella, bug net, rain cover, diaper bag, great shocks, adjustable handle height, nice colour, large basket underneath. It's similar to (but not quite as expensive as) the Bugaboo Frog. It handles really well. We convinced ourselves that the Stroll-Air is going to be The Next Big Thing - the popularity of the Frog has to die one day, doesn't it? Since we bought the stroller, we've realized that Stroll-Air is unique - so unique that the store where we bought it has stopped selling them. So unique that we've never seen another Stroll-Air on the street. So unique that everyone who asks about it has never heard of it. So unique that we now call it the "Beta VCR" of strollers - remember those? Technologically superior; a market failure.

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