Thursday, September 07, 2006

The better way?

I've had this post drafted in my mind for some time, but didn't have a photo or a story to go with it until today. A common lament that I've heard expressed in several different mommy groups is that the TTC is, in many places, completely inaccessible to moms with strollers (and to people in wheelchairs, and to those who use other mobility devices or who cannot climb stairs). A trip around the city using public transit must be carefully planned to ensure that you do not get stuck. Where it is accessible, the system can be a dream (eg. Eglinton station). Where it is inaccessible, it is a nightmare. For example, Lawrence station - the subway station closest to us - does not have elevators, and often runs all of the escalators (which you aren't supposed to use with a stroller in any event) in the same direction. Which means that if you need to go down, but they run up, you are completely out of luck. Also, the Yorkdale station (gateway to the Yorkdale Mall) is completely inaccessible. There is no elevator and there are several sets of stairs. Today we made a trip downtown for a dentist appointment and to visit daddy's office and then mommy's office. On the way home we realized that the lift in Union station is broken. After I pushed the passenger assistance button, the curt response I received from the employee on duty was "The lift is broken. There's nothing I can do." No suggestion of an alternate route around the stairs (I know there is one, because we made our way out of the station earlier in the day), no offer of assistance that someone would help me maneuver the stroller down the eight steps. How does Toronto seriously contend to be a world-class city when such elementary infrastructure is sorely lacking?

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