Saturday, December 09, 2006

Some highlights from the past week

No photos to accompany the text - sorry! On Monday evening we attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of Mothercraft, and then attended the Holiday Party that followed. Henry was in the infant carrier the whole time and loved it. On Tuesday we were downtown for a meeting, and Henry hung out with dad for a couple hours and visited the nice people at Dad's office. Wednesday we did some errands related to our basement renovation. Aunt Katrina came for a visit Wednesday night and she joined us at our last music class which was Thursday morning. We think that there was some serious teething happening on Thursday night, but there's still no sign of any pearly whites. Friday we had a date with our mom group and we participated in a gift exchange with our baby friends in that group. Tomorrow we're going to meet Grandma Laney and Grandpa Ralph at the airport.

We know that another highlight of the week must have been sending out the cutest Christmas cards ever! Just got ours in the mail. Thank you.

The Rowes
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